Wednesday, 9 May 2012

10 Things you can tweet about your brand

Businesses often do experience a loss of direction a few days into Twitter. Once they have had enough of following influential people and greeting people in their network, there seems to be hardly anything worth doing. If you too are facing a similar Twitter-crisis, relax and just use a little bit of imagination and you can transform your Twitter-space almost magically.
Here’s food for thought when you run out of things to tweet about:
1.     New announcements from your brand.
2.     Teaser previews of offerings you are working on.
3.     Related interesting news from the industry.
4.     Trivia related to your product: history, technology, anything!
5.     Ask for suggestions: people love to help someone out.
6.     Events you are holding: this informs as well as gets you attendees.
7.     Events you are participating in: this shows you are active.
8.     Witty one-liners: this can be jokes, daily wisdom, or just about anything else.
9.     Helping people find opportunities: Helping people solve problems is the best thing you can do to promote your brand.
10.  Popular events: tweet about the upcoming sports events, festivals, etc.
11.  Unexpected developments: Was Gmail down today? Tweet about it!
12.  Regular industry news: yup, this doesn’t hurt if mixed in.
13.  Sales announcements: Tweet about any
sales announcements you might have.
14.  Job openings: Tell people about open positions, both with your brand and at other places you know.
15.  Ask for customer feedback: Invite people to share their experiences with your brand.
Following these tips will make your brand interesting on Twitter, and people will want to participate and connect with you. Over time, this will bring you many friends, followers, analysts, well-wishers, prospects and business leads. What more could you ask for!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

What you post on Facebook, may come back to haunt you.

A man in North Carolina (Las Vegas) taught his 15 year old daughter what we may call a lesson in tough love when he unloaded his pistol into the girls’ laptop after she posted a lengthy critique of her parents on Facebook. To top it all off, he videotaped the shooting and put the video on her Facebook page.
What do you think of the father’s solution? Was he being too harsh? Just right? Or maybe he didn’t go far enough?

The father also explained that his daughter had previously been grounded for writing a similar post on Facebook, and that he found the most recent post while repairing her laptop. “I would have thought with a father that worked in IT for a living, you’d have better sense than to do it again,” he said. “Since you want to hide it from everyone, I’m going to share it with everybody”
In the expletive- filled post, the daughter happens to rail against her parents for making her do chores, accusing them of threatening her like a “slave” and demanding she be paid for all the work she does around the house. Pay her? Seriously? For chores that she is actually supposed to be doing in the first place.
Should parents pay their kids to help around the house or is it regarded as our responsibility to be able to help with chores such as cooking, and keeping the house clean?
Not only can a simple Facebook page ruin the relationship that we have with our families but it can also destroy our careers as well. Be careful on  what you post on Facebook, you may never know when your dark day is going to haunt you.